The mission is to help all Americans access media as a tool to facilitate change in their own lives and to maintain the role of the media in our American democracy.

Clients range from sophisticated public relations staff who need added capacity, to non-profit or foundation staff looking to expand their profile, to politicians and entrepreneurs seeking an independent consultant, to consumers or employees fighting for a social justice issue.

The Methodology is to utilize all forms of traditional and social media—from localized, community radio stations to national editorial boards to twitter—as a means for generating social justice change.

Media is a platform, promised under the First Amendment, as a means to share our voices and advocate for our rights.
— Patricia Brooks, Founder of MatchMap Media

Media Planning







List Building






Relationship Developing



Strategic processes and outcomes.

The goal of media is to connect to an audience. MatchMap Media has honed a methodical three-step process for generating media results including matching, mapping, and monitoring. Effective communication is about relaying your desired messages to your intended audiences. Today, the communications tools that we have at our finger tips are never-ending and can be overwhelming. MatchMap Media helps clients determine which ones will have the most return on investment especially on a limited budget and resources.


MatchMap Media only works on progressive causes where the owner is personally invested including access to a free press, domestic and international poverty alleviation, climate change solutions, access to healthcare and sustainable energy, entrepreneurship, voting rights, education, racial and gender justice, health and environmental connections, disease eradication, and workers’ and prisoners’ rights. MatchMap Media wants each project to leave the world in a better place.

Zen Attitudes.

When news breaks or a communications crisis arises at 5:00 pm on Friday or any odd hour, MatchMap Media, LLC will calmly jump in and deliver. Unlike other firms, MatchMap Media does not require long-term retainers or advance notice. MatchMap Media aims to make it as easy as possible to work with, both when it comes the budget and when it comes to day-to-day to correspondence, especially when providing services in a large or diverse group. There is never any unnecessary drama.


MatchMap Media, LLC works with clients confidentially. Some organizations prefer the work the be completed under their umbrella and some prefer I remain under my own name. MatchMap Media is not territorial and does not care about credit of the name or stealing work from another public relations officer.

Authenticity, Honesty and Practicality.

MatchMap Media, LLC is a sole-proprietor media relations business started in 2010 by experienced Washington D.C. communicator, Patricia Brooks. Having 13 years of experience in this business, Patricia Brooks has learned how to be upfront about all services and capacity levels as well as strengths and weaknesses. Clients are referred to others when they need help with graphic design, video and audio production, event-planning, grassroots activism, digital organizing, website development, in-depth writing, or advertising buys. For those familiar with the PESO method, MatchMap Media only provides the Earned and Shared services. While MatchMap Media recognizes all four are necessary, the skills of Patricia Brooks are best aligned with the E and S. Due to the quantity of inquiries for work and a commitment to quality, Patricia Brooks is highly selective and only takes on projects that seem to be an appropriate fit. The non-negotiable rate is a transparent $100 per hour for all clients, which tends to be on the comparatively lower level to competitive range of rates for someone with her level of experience. Pro Bono and volunteer work is often an option, but it is chosen thoughtfully. Many firms require staff to be 80-95 percent billable, Patricia Brooks found this to create a high-stress moneymaking factory environment where billing took priority over results, and instead she runs her business on billing only 50-60 percent of the time working—meaning she can take on some projects during non-billable scheduled hours. This also means she has a more comfortable work environment and much lower stress levels. It also means clients usually get an over service. Paying clients always receive service first during non-billable hour time. Additionally, due to personal health issues, Patricia Brooks rarely agrees to event-staffing or planning in situations of extreme heat, cold, or precipitation. Her work is best performed from a home office where she is tapped into multiple media connections. Patricia has a distinct style and perspective on working with media and likes the personal independence and creativity that is possible with being an independent consultant.

Quality Experience and Connections.

MatchMap Media is the work of Patricia Brooks. During her career, she has earned coverage in nearly every major national print, television, radio and online outlet, and she has facilitated front page articles for multiple clients in the New York Times, Washington Post and USA Today. She is a "go-to source" for media relations help and an encyclopedia of media knowledge. It would be difficult of find a media outlet that she hasn’t pitched successfully because her sole professional role over the last 13 years has been to make media mentions happen daily.  Patricia sits on the steering committee of the Progressive Communicators of Washington, DC. Patricia finds herself lucky as she can do what she likes, what she is good at and what the world needs at the same time. She has been known to spend her spare time helping people with media just for fun. There are very few communications challenges she has not seen before.


Potential clients must have a clear goal and audience in mind to be considered eligible for services. It is important that clients understand that obtaining media coverage is a bridge to achieving a larger vision and not an end-goal on its own.

Earned media outreach is not a promise of media coverage. For legal and ethical reasons, deliverables are based on time spent and not coverage placed. Guaranteed coverage is called advertising and has different regulations than earned media. No earned media contract can guarantee media results. At the same time, earned media far exceeds advertising value and can often be far less expensive.

More time spent often results in better coverage, but this is not always the case. If time invested does not yield results, I will let you know if it is is worth your budget to continue. Time estimates are based on previous experiences, but every client is unique and requires different needs. Depending on circumstances and relevance to current news trends, each client has varying levels of difficulty.